Archive for the ‘Words’ Category

The Golem Lover

A romantic shtetl fairy tale, featured in the wonderful PodCastle fantasy podcast, episode 847, hosted by Eleanor R. Wood, narrated by Rebecca Fraimow.

We Makes It

A sci-fi poem about a sentient self-replicating swarm of nanobots struggling with its own appetites and ecology, appearing in Penumbric Magazine of Speculative Fiction, April 2k24

Love Like a Guitar in the Road

My flash fiction, “Love Like a Guitar in the Road“, appearing in Syncopation Literary Journal’s Guitar Issue (vol. 3, no. 1)


My speculative climate story “Cascade” appearing in Peatsmoke Journal.

Pop Forgot

A sci-fi poem about doom and memory, published in Abyss&Apex Magazine.

Up and Down

My short story, appearing in Mythaxis Magazine, Winter 2022 issue 32.

These Shorts Will Get You Through the Apocalypse

My piece of short satire about the best shorts for the worst people, appearing in Greener Pastures.

No One Came To My Self-Immolation

Based on a tragic event at the steps of the US Supreme Court, this piece of satire is kind of a sick burn.

Starting A Short Story: A Craft Essay Goes Too Far

What’s the opposite of analysis paralysis? I got a bit obsessed with the beginning of a short story I found at a writing conference and went a little too far with it. I knew better but I couldn’t help myself.

The result ended up in The Masters Review.

Rocks and Snow

My short story, “Rocks and Snow”, appearing in Lamplit Underground volume 6.

This story was nominated for a 2021 Pushcart Prize.

Lamplit Underground